I am a computer vision engineer at Anduril Industries, where I work on defense technologies. I received a Master’s in Computer Science from Stanford in 2017, where I studied computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. During my graduate studies I was a member of the Computer Vision and Geometry Lab (CVGL) led by Silvio Savarese where I worked on projects including aerial pedestrian detection, tracking, and action recognition with collaborators such as Amir Zamir and Alexandre Alahi. I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Physics and minor in Mathematics from Stanford in 2015.


Computer Vision Engineer
Anduril Industries
Dec 2019 - Present
Computer Vision Engineer
Facebook AR/VR Oculus
Jan 2017 - Nov 2019
Software Engineering Intern
June 2016 - Sept 2016
Computer Vision Researcher
Stanford University (CVGL)
Sept 2014 - June 2016

Worked at CVGL with Professor Silvio Savarese

Software Engineering Intern
BlueKai | Oracle
June 2014 - Sept 2014
Particle Physics Researcher
Stanford University (SLAC)
June 2013 - Jan 2014

Worked at SLAC National Accelerator Lab with Professor Ariel Schwartzman

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Researcher
Stanford University
June 2012 - Sept 2012


Master's Degree, Computer Science
Stanford University
2015 - 2017

Focus in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision. Advisor: Fei-Fei Li

Bachelor of Science (BS), Engineering Physics. Minor, Mathematics
Stanford University
2011 - 2015

Focus in Computational Science. Advisor: Pat Hanrahan





Computer Science Coursework:Permalink

  • Computer Vision: Foundations and Applications, Prof. Fei-Fei Li
  • Computer Vision: From 3D Reconstruction to Recognition, Prof. Silvio Savarese
  • The Cutting Edge of Computer Vision, Prof. Fei-Fei Li
  • Representation Learning in Computer Vision, Prof. Silvio Savarese, Amir Zamir
  • Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition, Prof. Fei-Fei Li, Andrej Kaparthy
  • Machine Learning, Prof. Andrew Ng
  • Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, Richard Socher
  • Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques, Prof. Percy Liang
  • Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Prof. Mykel Kochenderfer
  • Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principle and Techniques, Prof. Stefano Ermon
  • Convex Optimization 1, Reza Nasiri Mahalati
  • Optimization and Algorithmic Paradigms, Prof. Tim Roughgarden
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Prof. Leonidas Guibas
  • Data Structures, Keith Schwarz
  • Mining Massive Data Sets, Prof. Jure Leskovec
  • Programming Languages, Edward Yang
  • Computer and Network Security, Prof. Dan Boneh, Prof. John Mitchell
  • Introduction to Computer Networking, Prof. Nick McKeown, Prof. Philip Levis
  • Computer Organization and Systems
  • Principles of Computer Systems
  • Object-Oriented Systems Design
  • Introduction to Probability for Computer Science
  • Mathematical Foundations of Computing
  • Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy

Conference Attendances:Permalink